Commission's response to the National Audit Office's consultation on changes to legal aid

The Commission has responded to the National Audit Office (NAO) consultation on the costs implications of the recent changes to civil legal aid in England and Wales, including reforms introduced by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (the LASPO Act). In our analysis, the reforms are already having - and will continue to have - an adverse impact on access to redress for discrimination and for breaches of rights under the European Convention on Human Rights - including Article 6, the right to a fair trial. The Commission is aware of research indicating the substantial social, economic and health costs of unresolved civil law problems, including negative personal consequences for individuals.

In conclusion, the Commission recommended that the government commissions, at the earliest opportunity, a comprehensive and independent evaluation of the impact of the LASPO Act reforms. There should be a particular focus on their impact on vulnerable clients, for example those excluded by the new residence test.

Download our full response to the NAO consultation on legal aid reform

Last Updated: 25 Jul 2014