Our measurement framework

Developing a measurement framework

The Commission is developing a measurement framework as a tool to measure and monitor progress on equality and human rights across a range of areas relevant to 21st century life.

We currently use four specific measurement frameworks:

The measurement frameworks cover England, Scotland and Wales and consist of a range of indicators and measures. As far as possible, the measures are broken down by: age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion or belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic group.

This allows the relative position of each equality group to be compared, and for progress over time to be monitored. Experts across multiple fields were involved in the initial development of each of these frameworks, followed by extensive consultation with Government and civil society stakeholders to ensure the proposed indicators were relevant to the people whose position and experiences they describe and monitor

Briefing papers published in 2012 and 2013 integrated the EMF, the CMF and the GRMF for the first time, using the ten domains developed for the EMF and CMF as the organising principle.

Last Updated: 22 Oct 2015