Response to consultation on employment tribunals wider powers and information procedure

Equality Act 2010: Removing: a) employment tribunals' power to make wider recommendations in discrimination cases; and (b) the procedure for obtaining information

Commission's position paper August 2012

Background to this submission

This paper sets out the Commission's analysis of the government's proposals in the consultation paper 'Equality Act 2010: Removing: (a) employment tribunals' power to make wider recommendations in discrimination cases; and (b) the procedure for obtaining information'.

The submission relates to a number of the Commission's statutory duties.

First, the Commission has a statutory duty under the Equality Act 2006 to encourage and support the development of a society in which: people's ability to achieve their potential is not limited by prejudice or discrimination; there is respect for and protection of each individual's human rights; there is respect for the dignity and worth of each individual; each individual has an equal opportunity to participate in society; and there is mutual respect between groups based on understanding and valuing of diversity and on shared respect for equality and human rights.

Second, the Commission has statutory duties under the Equality Act 2006 to encourage good practice in relation to equality and diversity; promote understanding and awareness of rights under the Equality Act 2010; enforce the Equality Act 2010; and work towards the elimination of unlawful harassment.

Third, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the equality and human rights enactments and advising on the effectiveness of enactments, as well as the likely effect of a proposed change of law.

Download the full consultation response (Word)

Last Updated: 13 Aug 2012