
A transport provider’s duty to make reasonable adjustments so that disabled people can use services applies to the way vehicles are operated, for example, by requiring train or station staff to assist a person with a mobility impairment in getting on and off a train, or by a bus driver telling a visually impaired person when they have reached their stop. It may require a service to be provided in a different way.

The duty to make reasonable adjustments also applies to adding auxiliary aids or equipment to existing vehicles, such as audio-visual passenger information, priority seating and contrasting handrails; these may be reasonable adjustments and, if so, the transport provider must provide them.

However, changes do not have to be made to physical features of existing land vehicles, except for some rental vehicles.

But some types of land vehicle must be replaced by a certain date with new vehicles, which do provide level access and a range of other equipment to make sure that they can be used by disabled people with a range of impairments.

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Last Updated: 26 Feb 2016