Human Rights in Health and Social Care: signposting to resources

Older man talking to younger woman


Below you can find links to free online resources that offer practical guidance for health and social care staff who want to find out more about human rights and how they can observe human rights in their work.

Bodies commissioning and providing health and social care services are legally bound to abide by the Human Rights Act 1998. Section 6 of the Human Rights Act specifically requires all public authorities to abide by the European Convention on Human Rights, unless primary legislation requires them to act otherwise. We hope that these resources prove helpful in achieving that. Resources include case studies, e-learning, factsheets, frameworks, templates and toolkits.

Why is this useful to me?

It is intended to:

  • encourage both knowledge and implementation of human rights approaches in health and social care.
  • help identify gaps in coverage of materials on human rights in health and social care, where new materials could usefully be developed.

If, as a health and social care professional, you have comments on this page and its content, or know of other resources that you think would complement this compendium and be of benefit to others, we encourage you to email those to us.

1 - 9 of 21 results



Other than the EHRC's own publications, the resources below are provided by third parties and the EHRC has not fully reviewed their content. Inclusion of another organisation's resource in this compendium does not constitute approval by the EHRC of its content or the quality of its advice. We do not monitor the content of third-party websites. Any resource or link provided in this compendium is solely for your convenience. We do not accept any responsibility for any third-party website or resources or endorse them.

The information in this compendium does not provide a substitute for proper legal advice or give an exhaustive explanation of relevant human rights law: you should always take proper legal advice if you have a specific issue to deal with.

This compendium is based on work originally carried out for the Commission by CooperGibson Research.

Last Updated: 20 Oct 2015