Equal pay strategy and position paper, March 2009

Overview of the Commission's approach to equal pay

The Commission’s strategic approach to equal pay involves a mix of legislative and non-legislative interventions. The Commission’s work is focused not only on the equal pay provisions of the Equality Bill, but also on promotional activity, provision of practical guidance and the promulgation of best practice in dealing with pay gaps (not only on grounds of gender, but due also to ethnicity, disability and so on) particularly around pay audits and the active management of pay systems.

The rationale for action by the Commission is that while we have had equal pay legislation for thirty years, there is still a significant gender pay gap: it will take another 20 years to close the gap without further corrective action. Pay inequality results not only in continuing disadvantage to women, but also in time-consuming and costly litigation, most frequently in the public sector, but also in the private sector.

Download our Equal pay position paper for full details:

Equal Pay position paper (WORD, 77Kb)

Last Updated: 01 Jul 2009